Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Term: Brokeback Buddies

You may remember Amy rope-a-doped me into going to the movie Brokeback Mountain. Well, she actually came up with a pretty funny term after the movie that I have been using quite a bit..

Brokeback Buddies: When you see two guys together and can’t tell what type of relationship they have. Too touchy-feely to be friends or family...

Charlene, did you see those guys in the Banana Republic sipping on Frappuccinos®? I wounder if there together and they don't look like brothers...


Jon said...

Does that mean you and Pete are "Brokeback Buddies" since you saw the movie with him?

Rich said...

We sat in the standard couple’s movie template... boy-girl-boy-girl

However.. this photo of you...

rudi said...
