Saturday, January 28, 2006

Party Guy Don'ts

This week these stories caught my fancy. They clearly violated some basic “Party Guy” rules… See below in boldMeet the Kackstetters. The father-son duo were involved in a rather bizarre traffic incident last weekend in Oregon. The boy, Adam in the safety glasses, was behind the wheel when a state trooper saw his black SUV going the wrong direction on Highway 97. After stopping the 1993 Geo, the lawman found the 26-year-old driver stinking of booze and "verbally combative." After sonny reluctantly got out of the car, Poppa-bear, Joel (pictured above left) jumped to his son's defense. The elder Kackstetter, 53, told the cop he "had an AK-47" and a bullet with the cop's name on it before beginning to flee. But it wasn't a gun the elder Kackstetter fired at Oregon State Police trooper Don Newcomb, but two weapons it's unlikely the officer ever thought he'd have to face down (you'll have to read the report to find out what they are). Both Kackstetters were eventually hauled in for booking, where feisty pops hurled another "pair" in troppers direction.

Oh ya, yell there name out load... Kackstetter!!!! That explains everything...

Rule Violations:

Never drink and drive anything with Geo in the name. Can you even consider a Geo Tracker as an SUV?

Don’t threaten the Police with a weapon if you don’t have one. By the way if you did have a weapon and popped a kap in the cop’rs ass, you will probably die while being taken into custody. If by some odd chance you survive that. I’m sure you will fry…

If you don’t have legs, don’t fight or struggle with the situation. Rather, play the sympathy card. Pops is obviously of the age to be a Vet. Play it baby.. I’m sure with the right story Pops could have even gotten sonny of with a warning, and maybe even a ride home.

Spitting on the Police will only get you beaten.. da..

Not to be out done...

Deputies say a 16-year-old, Kurt Cass of Bradenton, FL, has been arrested for beating his grandmother with a two-by-four for refusing to give him $100 for beer.

Investigators say Cass went into his 60-year-old grandmother's bedroom Thursday and asked her for $100 for beer. When she refused, he allegedly placed a razor blade on her throat and demanded she take him to the bank to get the money, deputies said.

Get the full story HERE.

Rule Violations:

$100 for beer? That a lot of money for beer junior. What’s a 64 of OE, $3. You could have easily stolen $10 or $20 out of grannies purse or you could have made that money on the street with that cute Gooines face.. dumb ass ..

Never beat your grandma!! What do you think will happen in jail when Bubba finds out you beat you granny? That’s right.. it’s not just for exits anymore…

Lead Pipe! What's with the PVC Pipe? Oooh, beat me with a wet noodle. (not a rule just an observation)

Beer is just empty calories and you could stand to lose a couple hundred pounds.

1 comment:

Dan said...

See, this is the stuff we all like...what is going on with the McIntosh's. We like to hear stories about Amy's family once in a while. I had originally thought she was part of the Escanaba Kackstetters, not the Oregon Kackstetters.