Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Places Wee Go

What an awesome idea! I wish I would have thought of it. Look though the list and see how many places you may have used the same urinal as this guy or even me. I have used this particular urinal at Michael’s Restaurant located in downtown Rochester, MN on more than one occasion.

Or this one at Saint Mary Hospital,
also in Rochester, MN..

Oh and the coveted She-inal at a Dairy Queen in Port Charlotte, FL. The 'She-inal' was designed by a Pensacola, FL woman named Kathie Jones. In the early 1990's she set out to design a urinal intended specifically for women, but this fixture never caught on for various reasons. While it's as not as versatile as a regular toilet, it still takes up the same amount of floor space. The funnel-like device that is is shared by everyone using the urinal also proved not to be a popular feature. Because of those reasons, not more than 700 'She-inals' were sold before Urinette, the company that manufactured it, sold the manufacturing rights.

Yep, I found someone that has more time on their hands than I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The Places Wee Go

Photograph of The 'She-inal' in FL