Saturday, January 07, 2006

Sunny Day in Minnie

These lovely ladies represent three generations of an Aunt and her nieces, Amy & Tracy (sisters), Hayley (our niece), and Lynn (Amy & Tracy’s Aunt). Lynn came into Minnie from Chicago to visit for the weekend.

We went to the Walker Art Center “The WAC”. It was pretty cool and free today..

For dinner Amy and I kidnapped Lynn for Sushi at Fuji Ya… As always the food was excellent..


rudi said...

ouch Rich,way ouch. you were in town and didn't let us know? that hurts man...that hurts.

Jon said...

Thank you for finally following through with the mission statement of the blog. While I truly do enjoy hearing about free wi-fi and "ho's", it is nice to finally hear about what is really "going on in Rochester with the McIntoshs'".