Saturday, January 21, 2006

Back in the Saddle

A week ago, Alex developed an inner ear infection that affected his balance really bad, he looked drunk... He could barely walk or even stand. So, we called the Vet on Saturday and, as soon as they knew it was Alex, they got him in right away. Alex has had some health issues over the last 5 years and it’s been a bit of a windfall for the Vet ($$$$). But, the Cascade Animal Medical Center does a great job and the people are terrific. I highly recommend them.

Today is the first time in a week that Alex has felt good enough to climb on the couch. In fact, he climbed the stairs to “The ManRoom” without any help. So, big day at the McIntosh’s…


Anonymous said...

The past 5 years???

rudi said...

thats a nice man room. but i think it could really use a foosball table.