Saturday, April 01, 2006

Oh Baby!!

Good news… Amy and I have secured the services of a surrogate and will be having our first child this fall. I know it sounds like “cart before the horse” with the time line and all but the deal is that the surrogate was a random broad that I scored with on a Wednesday Ladies Night at Rookies and this is the only way to work it out. It’s kinda like a shotgun wedding.

The toughest part has been writing a contract that makes everyone happy. Luckily, I found a man that is a genius in this type of contract writing. Click
HERE to see some of his work.

It looks like the surrogate will move in this week which is good. I need help around the house and that’s part of the deal, housekeeping. I also get some other benefits, like the once in the template contract…

Oh, and
APRIL FOOLS!!!! Like I could score....

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