Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fabulous 500!!!

Wow, this is my 500th post... To some that's not many, but to me.. As you may be able to tell... I can hardly read and write.. and for the folks that may have forgotten, I have never read a book in my entire life, and I still got a college (not an "on-line" college) to give me a BS degree..

Anyway, to the post....

My friend Nick forwarded this pic or a segway pushing a stroller.. I like that idea. I have had a similar idea where you would modify one of those remote control golf carts with a baby seat and camera on it. Then I could buzz "Floyd" around the neighborhood from the comfort of my own couch..

But Nick is more of the "outdoors" type. So I could see him suggesting that with a segway "I would be with the baby"...

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