Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Security Screws?

Security Screws?, originally uploaded by Rich on the Road.

Why do they install security screws on potty dividers? This granite one is @ the WFMC. Granite is expensive, but I think people would notice a dude lugging a bathroom wall down the hall.

Also, they used a security screw on the divider and not the wall.. FYI, I sell the tool to remove these...


Mark said...

OK, you were in the stall with your camera and we DIDN'T get the money shot????? WTF? I triple dog dare ya!

Hoekzema said...

Isn't it against WFMC rules to be taking pictures in the bathroom? Just saying...

Saari said...

Taking pictures in the bathroom again! You check your email? I will be in Rochester Wednesday and there till Monday.