Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Don't Sign me Up...

I was going over some pictures and I forgot about this one... This was taken on our last trip to Dallas. Throckmorton is the cross street in front of a gay bar called JR's in the gayborhood. You do remember the gayborhood..........

Some of you know why it's ironic that a gay bar is on a street named Throckmorton, you would be in the medical industry... For the rest of you.. Some dude did a study and determined that when a man experiences trauma to his body, his winier points to that side.. Normally, I don't listen to Amy's bla bla Ortho talk but this one stuck with me and when I saw the sign I had too...

1 comment:

Jon said...

So in layman's terms, you are saying that the angle of the dangle is in direct proportion to the heat of the meat.