Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cylinder Index

This weekend we where discussing the cylinder index and I didn’t realize how close I am to my goal..

You must own more cylinders than your age. The rules are: You can only count running cylinders, size doesn’t matter but the bigger the better, and yes your spouses cyinders count (if you maintain them and you "helped" picking the item out)…

8 Lincoln
6 Porsche
6 Jeep
2 Harley
2 Snowmobile
2 Snowmobile
1 Dirt Bike
1 Lawn Mower
1 Lawn Mower
1 Snow Blower
1 Snow Blower
1 Chainsaw
1 Weed Whacker
1 Leaf Blower

That's 34!!! I’m 1 away…… Not bad for not having a boat…..


Unknown said...

Jon and Dan believe that electric lawn mowers, leaf blowers and weed wackers are the best way to - so they'll never own enough cylinders.

Rich said...

As you can see from the pics of Rudi in Jon’s
backyard , a beautiful lawn is not that important.