Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Getting Old in Style

Ten things I did on my Birthday weekend...

10. Drove 1,800 miles in the Blincoln..... @ 15 mpg... $$$$

9. Visited my Mom and met a whole slue of her friends in Johnston City, Ill.

8. Amy and I had our picture taken with Superman in Metropolis, Ill.

7. Visited our friends Jeff and Melissa at their new home in Nashville, Tn..

6. Went sailing Nashville.... Even though we live in Minnesota (land of 10,000 lakes and part of the Great Lakes)..

5. Won $20 0n a scratch off lotto ticket.

4. Saw the sights of Nashville, Tn.

3. Hauled a truck load of future 650 miles in the back of the Blincoln.

2. Almost got to watch a Bobcat eat our friends, Jeff and Melissa's cat..
Dialog.......... "as I remember it"
Jeff: Hey, want to watch Matilda (the cat) fight?
Rich: Sure..
Jeff: See that cat. When Matilda sees it.. It's all on.. like donkey kong
Rich: Wow, that's a big cat.. What kind is that?
Jeff: Ya, I don't know.. Looks like a Bobcat...
Melissa: MATILDA!
Jeff: Where's the camera?
Rich: cool...

1. Spotted Jon in Nashville... I guess he didn't move to GR with his wife butt at least he got the dogs....

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