Saturday, March 03, 2007


In the last week Rochester has gotten more that 2 feet of snow.. We had 2 big storms and it took more than 2 hours each time to remove the snow. As usual I plowed out most of my neighbors. I think it’s the least I can do for them to putting up with me the rest of the time.

After all the hard work was done I got in some snowmobiling.. Kind of looks like and express way doesn’t it.. Good thing I have over a 150 HP to utilize these smooth trails… To bad Minnesota has a 50 mph speed limit.. Ya, I let that stop me from triple digits ….


Hoekzema said...

Gotta say that I am a little jealous of all that snow! My lawn froze last weekend, but it just isn't even close...


Anonymous said...

Yep I am jealous too! here in texas it stays in the 70's way too long.
Cuz' Dave