Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Baby Tip #2 from Rich

BYOB (Bring Your Own Boppy)

After a drunk baby passes out always remember to put the baby on their stomach.

Bigger Butts, Bigger Needles

This stuff can't be made up.....

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Fatter rear ends are causing many drug injections to miss their mark, requiring longer needles to reach buttock muscle, researchers said on Monday.
Standard-sized needles failed to reach the buttock muscle in 23 out of 25 women whose rears were examined after what was supposed to be an intramuscular injection of a drug.
Two-thirds of the 50 patients in the study did not receive the full dosage of the drug, which instead lodged in the fat tissue of their buttocks, researchers from The Adelaide and Meath Hospital in Dublin said in a presentation to the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Kwik Kwotes

I dedicate this house to the Griswold Family Christmas.
-Clark W. Griswold

Special thanks to my friend Nick for the link..

Sunday, November 27, 2005

"The Stand"

My best Christmas Season purchase of all time.. “The Stand”, I found this beauty on a retinue run to the local SuperTarget, that’s a Target with groceries.

Plastic with EZ pour water reservoir, won’t scratch the floor, and has 8 adjustment screws. Truly, the Cadillac of tree stands… I'm very happy with the purchase.

McTree is Up

Another successful tree kill’n by the McIntosh’s because, noth’n says Christmas spirit like cutting a tree down and bringing it in your home for a month…

Amy and her mom, Claudia, did a great job decorating as the men-folk watched….

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Clothing Trends

What’s the newest trend in women’s clothing? That’s right it’s my own clothing line. I believe Tanya has a pair of the prototype bottoms (hot tub).

Friday, November 25, 2005

It's Official: Jessica Simpson And Nick Lachey Split

Apparently the honeymoon is over.

After a highly publicized romance, a reality-series marriage and eventually tabloid rumors of strife, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey officially announced their split on Wednesday to Us Weekly Magazine.

"After three years of marriage, and careful thought and consideration, we have decided to part ways," the couple said in a joint statement released to the magazine. "This is the mutual decision of two people with an enormous amount of respect and admiration for each other. We hope that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."Rumors about tension between the two had grown louder and louder in recent months. Us Weekly even reported that the couple had quietly split just over one month ago. Officially, however, spokespeople for the two flatly denied a split was in the cards.

One rumor buzzing is that Jessica met a dude that sells nuts & bolts and is addicted the the lifestyle.....

Homosapiens Separated at Birth?

Can you tell the differance between Ali G and Rudi?

Maybe there innit...

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Pie Organizer

Great idea Paul and Claudia.... This is the only way to transport 3 pies (Apple, Blueberry, and Pumpkin) from the UP to Minnie. And yes, I had a piece of Pumpkin, um um good.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving..

Happy Thanksgiving

Today, Amy and I are driving up to Minnie for Thanksgiving Dinner with the Morgan’s, and Bradfield’s. I think there is going to be like 11-13 people and a couple of dogs….. It will be cozy…

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Meaningful Meanings

Accourding to Dictionay.com

broad ( P ) Pronunciation Key (brôd)

n. Often Offensive Slang. A woman or girl.

n : slang term for a woman; "a broad is a woman who can throw a mean punch"

Starbucks "The Man"

Here’s a photo of Sparty Spartan and my friend Tim. Apparently, this is photo violates Starbucks corporate policy on camera use in the store. Good thing they don’t have the same policy at the Glew’s….

I recently emailed Starbucks to ask them if this was true about the photo policy or if the over zelass coffee maker broad had gone wild and was not correctly representing Starbucks. Personally, I think it was because see wanted me…..

Here’s Starbucks Response:

Dear Mr. McIntosh,

In regards to your inquiry, we would like the opportunity to gather a bit more information in order to best assist you. Please call our customer relations department at 1-8XX-XX-LATTE. Upon calling, please have reference #22XX523 available. Our representatives are happy to help you with any questions or concerns you might have.

On behalf of Starbucks, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm Regards,

James S.
Customer Relations Representative
Starbucks Coffee Company

Pretty watered down. I guess I will have to call them, wait on hold, and voice my opinion to prompt 1, 2, or 3….

The Women of "Minnie" has been Updated..

Kahl, Jamie Marie
Home: Saint Paul, MN
Sex: Unknown
Age: 40
Height: 5-07
Weight: 180
Arrested: Central
Date: 07/20/2005
Vehicle: On Foot

Looking for a date? Try the "Minnie" Love Line..

Monday, November 21, 2005

Why is Rich so Healthy?

This is not a joke. It came from the New England Journal of Medicine.
Great news for girl watchers: Ogling over women's breasts is good for a man's health and can add years to his life, medical experts have discovered. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, "Just 10 minutes of staring at the charms of a well-endowed female is roughly equivalent to a 30-minute aerobics work-out" declared gerontologist Dr. Karen Weatherby.
Dr. Weatherby and fellow researchers at three hospitals in Frankfurt, Germany, reached the startling conclusion after comparing the health of 200 male outpatients - half of whom were instructed to look at busty females daily, the other half told to refrain from doing so. The study revealed that after five years, the chest-watchers had lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and fewer instances of coronary artery disease.
"Sexual excitement gets the heart pumping and improves blood circulation," explains Dr. Weatherby. "There's no question: Gazing at breasts makes men healthier." "Our study indicates that engaging in this activity a few minutes daily cuts the risk of stroke and heart attack in half. We believe that by doing so consistently, the average man can extend his life four to five years."

Kalamazoo Promise - Wow!!

(NEWS 3) – The revolutionary Kalamazoo Promise scholarship program was the talk of West Michigan today. The generous promise of a college education for graduates of the city’s public school system even made national news. School administrators say Kalamazoo will be the only school district in the nation that will pay for all of its graduates to go to college. Superintendent Janice Brown announced the Kalamazoo Promise program Thursday night. An anonymous group of donors will pay tuition and fees for any Michigan institution of higher learning. The program has no set end date and will be in place for at least the next 13 graduating classes. The program begins in 2006. "There is no catch,” said Brown. “The catch is: go to Kalamazoo public schools, graduate and get a scholarship. It's as simple as that." Students who begin attending Kalamazoo public schools prior to ninth grade are eligible for the scholarship. The amount depends on how long the student has been enrolled. If the student has attended to Kalamazoo Public Schools from kindergarten through 12th grade, they will receive enough money to cover 100% of their college tuition. To remain eligible once in college, students must maintain at least a 2.0 Grade Point Average; must be in good standing; and must successfully complete 12 credit hours each semester. The scholarship lasts four years from the high school graduating date unless it's interrupted by military service. The Kalamazoo district has about 11,000 students in all grades.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Moo V Review - Walk the Line

Johnny Cash was arrested in October 1965 at the El Paso International Airport after U.S. Customs agents found hundreds of pep pills and tranquilizers in his luggage as he returned from a trip to Juarez, Mexico. The Man in Black spent a night in the county jail and later pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count, for which he paid a $1000 fine and received a 30-day suspended sentence.

Amy and I enjoyed the movie.. Boy, that crazy Johnny Cash..


All right I’m giving in.. Here’s a baby post…

Amy and recently went to “Minnie” and visited our niece Hayley (and her parents, Jessie and Tracy). We went to the “Minnie Mall” and as you can see, she was having a blast. But really, this is Hayley’s fake smile.

Price Gouging?

This gas station in Owatonna, MN has stuck with their pricing for the last month. I don’t think they have been doing much business. Look in the background.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary!!!

Who would have thought after the 2,275 mile drive from Everett, WA to Johnston City, IL my mother would have still said I do!

Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary to Bill and Lois!!!

Jon's Drivers License

Jon you forgot you Drivers License at our house. Nice photo!!!

Da Yoopers Vist Niles, MI

Mike, of the world famous Da Yoopers, debates picking up the soap... Four Flags Area Applefest Niles, MI

I guess this was the reason for
Rudi's trip home to Niles. Hope you enjoyed yourself it sure looks like fun was had by all.......

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Today is Michigan’s Firearm Deer Season Opener

Today Michiganders from all walks of life will converge on the nearest group of trees in hopes of bagging a trophy buck or going home with one less annoying person that they came with.

As you can see the tools need to be successful are not extravagate. A strong back and a good bike are all that is needed. I should know….

Monday, November 14, 2005

You be the Judge…

Recently, Amy and I picked up a copy of Rochester Magazine and found this picture. We both feel that one of the women looks a lot like someone we know...
You be the Judge...

Looking for Love in Minnie???

Looking for love in Minnie? Maybe one of these fine ladies can keep you warm this winter.

Also, refer to the Pimp's and Ho's link for the most up-to-date list of eligible companions.



Friday, November 11, 2005


(n.) Short for Web log, a blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.

(v.) To author a Web log.

Other forms: Blogger (a person who blogs).

Veterans Day, November 11

Don't forget to show your appreciation to those that are currently serving and have served to protect our freedom today and everyday.

Also, checkout a couple of these websites:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Minnesotans' Military Appreciation Fund

Thank you,

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Kwik Kwotes

"You're about as useful as a poopy flavored lolly pop."

--Patches O'Houlihan

Only in America!!!!

No Comment.. Speaks for itself..

Looking for a DJ???

"Our event would not have been such a success without Mitch's professional attitude and courtesy. Mitch went above and beyond to serve our needs. This kind of commitment is rare in any business lately, but it seems to be a standard for Mitch and his business. I would highly recommend Taylored Entertainment to anyone looking for a disc jockey professional."

Danielle (Ulatowski) Hall
Class of 1992 Gladstone High School Reunion Committee

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Kwik Kwotes

"Marijuana is like Coors beer. If you could buy the damn stuff at a Georgia filling station, you'd decide you wouldn't want it."
--Billy Carter

Only in the UP!!

Here is a clip out of my high school yearbook. It shows two of my classmates, Jeff Lampi and Bob McKenzie, with 54 lb Beaver they trapped. This may be the only photo of these guys with a Beaver...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Kwik Kwotes

Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without
adding, "you're making a scene."
-- Homer Simpson

Monday, November 07, 2005

Hooters "Battle of the Bulge" and EOE Laws

Recently, I went on a fact finding mission of restaurants and restaurant servers. I found this disturbing situation.

Hooters has had their legal battles with the government regarding EOE. Some silly men have tried to buck the system and demand that they too deserve to wear the coveted white wife-beater, bright orange Daisy Duke shorts and thick tan colored pantyhose. Lucky, the powers-that-be have realized that this would not be a good thing. Unfortunately, this has opened the door for ladies with less than the desired body type for the job.

Saturday, November 05, 2005